Sunday, October 6, 2013


I used to agree with Quentin Tarantino about his view that once movies were no longer seen in the theater that he would no longer want to make movies. Granted, he’s about twenty years older than me, and we like the same types of movies.

Sadly, the last few years I’ve realized that I’m OK with this change. People want to have a portable screen to view their content. Yes, they might have a fifty inch plasma television at home and go see the occasional movie at the theater, but they don’t want to be restricted.

I watch 90% of my movies thru Netflix now; about 5% of it on my Android phone. The other 10% is at the movie theater or video rental store. I have gone to a movie theater every month or two now, and I rent a movie from the video store if I am unable to find it on Netflix or streaming online.

I am not a supporter of Hulu because of their editing content and ads. I have the solution for them: One ad before the movie or show and one after. No inbetween. It ruins the flow of visual imagery.

So either make shorter film content or move the ad space somewhere else.

I hope Tarantino changes his mind about portable devices because I don’t want him to stop making movies. I know I won’t stop because a medium changes how it’s seen from how I originally planned for, but then again, I’m good at adapting.

Here’s hoping he is too.

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