Sunday, October 6, 2013

Short Films are the now.

Short films have never had much clout in the entertainment industry. Sure, they can get attention, but to actually make money off it? Forget it.

Until now.

With Youtube and social media rising and people’s attention getting shorter, a movie for a quarter-dollar that runs less than 10 minutes doesn’t have too bad of a chance. You want a dollar? Forget it. I’ll just go on Youtube and watch free stuff. In a world that is completely international thanks to information, it’s all about quantity in streaming Video on Demand.

The best choice to me is Netflix or Amazon Video grabbing short comedies or thrillers and using them on their service as original content that is exclusive.

Think of being in the mood to waste some time in front of the television or internet video. Click on Netflix drop down and choose “Comedy Shorts”. Five short ten minute comedies play one after another or until you’ve had enough.

That is what will work.

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