Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Magic is real

I believe in a few things. My abilities, my family and friends, and magic. Magic being real means everything to me. It's why I'm so passionate about writing, filmmakers, and filmmaking. The idea of something not of this world, something like magic, I would have a hard time believing that what I'm watching on a screen really happened. Sure, there's suspension of disbelief. You know it's just moving pictures projected on a screen at 24 frames a second. Now, what about what happens in your own mind? It's a reality that you've created in there.

That's the thing. When you go to a movie theater or watch a movie on a screen, you give up that reality that your life is. The truth becomes whatever is presented to you in front of your own eyes, and there is no other option. 

Imagine watching something like a professional wrestling match. We all know these men and women workout regularly, and maybe they are actually nice people in the locker room; but once the stage lights go on and the crowd is roaring: There is no acting involved. It's all real.

Magic is the same way. Let's say something extraordinary happens. The imagination believes it happened even if there's no logical reason or explanation. To your mind, it has to be otherworldly. It is a voodoo spell or a curse or a plague on everyone's houses.

There are many corners of magic. White magic, black magic, protection rituals, curses, and bindings.

If it's an illusion, the illusion is real. The presentation itself is just a formality. 

That is why, even with everything there is to know about writing, the music charms, the spectacular movies to see, the technical moviemaking achievements, and the whole universe around us: 

I, without a doubt, 100% believe in the magic I cast for you to see, to laugh with, to cry for, to think and feel about.

That is what being a Wizard is all about.

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