Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Talking about death...on Halloween.

I believe Hollywood might be dying. It's almost time for its death.

Filmmaking in general has become tiresome. The stories that we all know and love are painfully similiar.

I'm not sure what happened and honestly don't care.

Thesis Film: Struggle, overcoming, celebration. Sequel: New struggle with different variants.

Where is humanity if we can't evolve past imitation of the source? Hollywood might be dying but we'll live. It'll just be boring as fuck.

And if you know anything about me yet.... I'm against that option. I'm against becoming a 3rd World Country and me the King. I'll be in the chaos and thrive cause I'll accept death when the rest of the world is at peace.

I'll be causing lots of trouble. Just to keep things interesting. Something Hollywood can't do anymore and has been a long time since they even tried. There is no Cialis for a broken dick, only numbing paint-by-numbers theoretical antagonists and tired jerking-off from a stretched thin idea of orgasmic art.

Sex and Death. On Halloween. At 1:11AM.

I've got plenty more wads to shoot here. :)

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