It can be a sad moment for me when an actor starts trying to be a diva. It reminds me why I must always stay humble.
I also get to see why so many people come to Los Angeles to make it big. They don't see the passion of the craft, they see stars in their eyes and are willing to hurt anyone in their path to it.
It's a little shameful if you ask me. We need to be more about the work, not the reward that the work can bring. The movies are a business. And actors are employees - even when they are independent contractors.
The only advice I can give it to show up early or on time. Be prepared as you can with what you are given. Be joyful around the people that work so hard to make you look good. Do as you're told when it comes to the story. Only speak up about it if it can enhance the story, not if it's a story change that you'd like to see. There's a reason we write what we write to see it on screen. We don't want to make your movie. If you feel so strongly about your story change....become a writer, not an actor.